22 August 2017
Data Visualization,Contentder
Sabnam Thapa
No one likes reading an austere piece of tabulated data. Not even the writer herself. It’s boring, don’t you think?
Well, the data itself is never boring. Take, for instance, the data presentation technique of National Geographic. It doesn’t bore you, does it?
What’s their secret?
Data presentation is an art. Whenever you don’t use this art to represent your data, your audiences will hardly pay attention to your content.
This is why writers often use data visualization techniques. For example, bar graph, pie chart, and line graph, which are the commonest forms of data representation. These are conventional and almost all people easily understand them.
The catch is you cannot simply generate these diagrams with photoshop or any similar software. You need to put in a lot of hard work and long hours of tedious graphic designing just to create these simple pictorials.
But, no worries. Contentder has whole range of easily installable, data representation diagrams.
So, if you are looking for a website builder which has the built-in data presenting features, Contentder is the right choice for you.
No more that you will have to go through a wearisome task while using the data visualization, i.e. preparing the diagrams first and integrating them into the website.
All you have to do is select the diagram then drag and drop.
Also, you have a wide range of customization options relating to colors, the text-size of the graph label, graphic features, graph sizes, and much more. You can dynamically check all the customizations with "save" and "preview" buttons. Instead of wasting your resources over a disparate data representation software and a website builder, Contentder gives you the benefit of the two in one.
So, hasn’t data representation become much easier?