9 Web Design Tips Every Aspiring and Experienced Designers Must Know
A web designer, be it a graphic designer or an advertising and promotional media designer for social media and online ads; there are a few things that every aspiring designer, or even a trained one must be aware about.
No need to be alarmed.
And no need to go back to school or join any classes for this. All you need to do is, jot down a few points, practice and your path to perfect web designs will automatically be paved.
Just follow the below given 9 major tips that every designer has to know and see the result for yourself.
1. Plan it out on paper

Don’t you think it’s a good idea to start your design concept out on a piece of paper and then move onto the digital screen? This way you can get a clear head of things before you start the actual design. Once a paper draft is ready, you can then go ahead and start with the actual designing process.
2. Select a beautiful color palette

The color of your design will get the message your text may not.
The combination of the colors has to be absolute with a background that matches with not just the font that you use but also with the images that will be used in various sections. All of this has to be kept in mind before selecting the primary and secondary colors for your design.
3. Choose font types that are pretty

Use font types that go along with your color and design. Don’t use fonts that are sharp and hard on the eyes. Rather, use the ones that stand out. Also, there is no need to use various kinds of fonts in a single design. Never use more than one or two. A mismatch of fonts will look like an irregular puzzle piece that will just confuse your audience.
4. And don’t ignore the font size
Once you decide your font type, move onto set the font size that you are going to use for your design. Large, bold fonts are in the trend be it all capital or small. The idea is to use the exact font size that will reach the message to your audience in the right way.
So, go ahead and use big fonts. But not so big, that it might scare your audience away.
5. Give some space

DON’T cluster your objects.
That’s a big no.
You have a lot of things to present?
This does not mean that you bundle up your objects all in a single place. Use some clever ideas and instigate the elements with one another. Add a little space, align your objects, put some open spaces.
Let your design breathe.
Learn more about whitespace in Three Facts About Whitespace That All Designers Should Know
6. Give an order to your objects
A haphazard design is not eye-appeasing at all, rather, a nice alignment of objects will give a suitable order even if the size of the objects is mismatched. Align the objects in a proper way to give your design an elegant look leaving the randomness behind.
Check out templates from Contentder with stunning design and layouts fit for anyone.
7. Get extra attention of audience through icons

Icons are in the trend.
Use icons along with the text to get your message clean and clear. Using icons in a design can never go wrong as they generally go with any color, text and image.
So, try using cute little icons and sprinkle a little color to it to make it appear more attractive.
8. Make it easy on the eyes

A harsh design is not the way to go.
The audience should immediately find a reason to keep viewing the design and come back for more. Make it pleasant and beautiful with a few tweaks here and there.
Show to a couple of close friends and colleagues before presenting it to the boss. Get their views and suggestions. Keep note that this helps a lot.
9. Stay in trend with latest design hacks

No matter how creative you are or how original your design is, unless you stay in the design trend loop, you will always lag behind. So, subscribe all the corresponding design blogs and website, follow their news and get new tips every so often.
Yes, experience speaks for your work, but don’t forget to always keep learning and advancing your design skills to maintain a success all through your professional years.
Also, learn about the struggles a designer faces in their career.
Hopefully, these hacks will get you through a few months but come back if you want more tips on designs.