15 February 2018
interns,amateur programmers,developers
Sabnam Thapa
Right off the college or a training institute and joining the internship soon after, it is quite overwhelming for you, the freshers especially when things are changing so fast. What you learned from your training and education theoretically won’t be of much help here in the practical world. No teachers to mentor step-by-step and no topper friends to do the assignments for you. You are on your own now!
That sure can freak you out.
But, don’t.
Your dream of becoming a top-notch programmer is on its way.
Because it isn’t that difficult as you imagine; particularly when you pay attention to a few things. Below are given top five internship tips that you should understand so that grabbing an opportunity right after your internship won’t be so overwhelming and you will be able to sort out what you should prioritize when learning.
Know the basics of everything

As a programming intern, you may find it hard to focus on everything. There is always a lot left to learn, especially for a developer. It doesn’t mean that a programmer is expected to know about everything. What it does mean is; understanding the key concepts about what’s beneath the hood provides you with many perks.
The fundamental knowledge of software security, database, and networking doesn’t require much dedication; instead, it provides you basic ideas of how everything works which can provide you a better understanding of your projects and an ability to tackle any problem you might encounter in future.
Understand your dev tools

There is a litany of tools that a developer can benefit themselves from, such as software configuration management, software design and deploy, database design, code testing, source control, UI Kit, testing libraries and you name it.
Each and every tool isn’t entirely possible to learn. However, a bit of knowledge about how these tools can be used and leveraged can make your work much efficient and make you seem smarter.
Test your code

As an amateur developer, your code is going to have many issues that you would expect or wouldn’t expect. It is solely for this reason that you should learn debugging. Most IT companies have a separate software testing department. It might seem like testing responsibility belongs to the test engineer. However, as a developer, you are also likely to put your hands on some side projects. And doing one level of testing yourself will just make you a better coder. That’s where your testing knowledge will pay-off.
Mainly, you need to have the knowledge of the following types of testing:
· Unit test
· Static code analysis
· Load and stress test
· Peer review
· Integration and system test
Update your knowledge

The only constant thing about technology is that it is always changing. This is why learn to stay ahead of the game. Keep adding new languages, tools, and systems into your brain. While some experts suggest on learning one language out of every mainstream language-type, others say that you should update yourself with new language and technology every four years.
Learn the business side

When you work for your company, in a way, you contribute towards the achievement of your company’s business motive. In return for this contribution, it provides you a great opportunity to learn everything which you shouldn’t miss.
Make sure to learn how your company attracts customers, its main competencies as compared to its competitors and how it makes money. Knowing the business side of your work gives you the important knowledge that can later help you upscale your working position and even build your own freelancing business.
Click here to learn how to kick start your programming career.
Well, we hope that this information has somehow soothed your anxiety. If not, make sure to drop your specific questions in the comment section down below.