There was a time when mediums to broadcast news was limited. News exclusivity and monopoly was also at an all-time high. The information was influenced by those in power. Therefore, the bid to stay in the news was fierce.Also, starting a news bureau meant substantial investments. The finances alone barred many enthusiasts from pursuing their career as a broadcaster. However, technological progress has helped many achieve their dreams in the present.
The modern technology broadens the scope of news distribution. A handheld device alone can record, broadcast, and distribute news all at the same time. News transparency has improved with the increase in sources. However, there has been a decrease in the level of credibility of the modern-day-source.
Despite the falling level of trust, the scope of broadcasting media is expanding from both business stand-point and service perspective, with evolved practices. Here are some ways online news trend is changing.
Smartphone Use 
Smartphones compact expensive and bulky gears that were once considered the prerequisites of news broadcasting, and publication. The inbuilt tools have made the need to use separate devices like cameras, recorders, and other intricate gears redundant altogether.
With smartphone, comes portability which makes news reporting convenient. The point-to-shoot feature benefits users to record the events. Internet connectivity further helps to broadcast them.
The convenience brought by smartphones has created a surge in the production of independent journalists. Traditional media are also inclining towards smartphones to create content.
Decline in Credibility
The existence of a broadcasting media depends highly on their credibility. Technological interventions have provided

convenience, but at the same time, the competition has raised questions regarding trustworthiness.
New content and information increase popularity, and subsequently escalates revenue from ads. In an attempt to reap the benefits of popularity, news agencies go to the extent of issuing bogus content. Also, the use of click baits to stand out from the competitors is a common practice. However, the insubstantial practice by multiple media compels the audience to question their source and the credibility of the digital media.
Though content is king, and regular updates are equally necessary, news media should also justify the content with a trustworthy source. This practice helps bond better with the audience, and establish the media as a credible source of information.
Revenue from Ads Continues but Goes Digital
Ads have always been the front runner in financing news bureaus. News corporations sell their space, time slot, and

placement to businesses for advertisement purposes. Even when the key trends of news are changing with the advancement in technology, the source, and methods of generating revenue remains the same.
Digital ads are the new source of revenue for online broadcasters. From banner ads, sponsored hyperlinks, to paid promotions, advertisements in the digital realm is only limited to one’s creativity.
Advertisers can pay a straight fee to publishers for a slot on the website. Pay-per-click (PPC) is also equally popular. Google Ads is the most popular PPC tool which helps publishers generate income.
News Podcast Trend
Podcasts have emerged from just the talk, and interview

shows. Though news podcasts have been incorporating the aforementioned mediums, they are also increasingly inclining towards news broadcasting. However, a mere
6% of all existing podcasts are news-based , but the genre outperforms many others.
The podcasting trend in Nepal is targeted to a niche audience. Venture the possibilities of news podcasting in Nepal by practicing one of the following global trends:
Apart from dedicated news portal sites, many independent publishers rely on social media to share their content; Facebook and YouTube are the most convenient platforms. News sharing helps reach your target niche and subsequently gather audience following. However, the popularity of the News Portal mainly depends on continuity and credibility.