
Component Settings allows you to customize your component the way you want to display in your website. The settings may vary for different components. In general, it consists of the following:

1. Basic: This basic setting comprises of the primary level settings for each component and will vary for the kind of component that you add.

2. Spacing: You can adjust the outer spacing/margin and inner spacing/padding with this setting.

3. Alignment: You can adjust the horizontal or vertical alignment of the component to be – right, left, center or none.

4. Scroll Effect: You can add fading scroll effects to the component in up, down, right and left directions and also add delay in milliseconds.

5. Hover Effect: You need to activate hover effect to apply this effect over the component. With this setting, you can a simple change of color or border when you place your mouse over the component. You can add box shadows, border hover style and zoom effects in the component.

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